
Program Benefits

As rejuvenation affects all the body cells and tissues, the beneficial effects can soon be seen in a great variety of ways. Some of the most commonly noticed are:

  • Radiant, brighter and tighter skin
  • A firmer, more toned body
  • A boost of energy and vitality that lasts
  • Loss of excess weight
  • Clearer memory and improved concentration
  • Increased sexual drive
  • Increased mobility and flexibility
  • Improved digestion and bowel movements
  • Brighter eyes and improved vision
  • Improved hearing
  • Improved immunity
  • Motivation and a more positive outlook on life
  • Increased creativity, motivation and willpower

Rejuvenation combines all the greatest techniques of Ayurveda and helps to boost the body’s natural rhythms, optimise cellular function, reduce free radicals, identify and aid in reversing specific weaknesses in the body, promote longevity, health and harmony.

Program Price

$461 / week

Call Us on 1300 552 260

17% discount if paying total package price upfront

Please Call Us on 1300 552 260 for more details and to book your initial consultation.

We look forward to discussing how our Ayurvedic Treatment can help you achieve your weight loss health goals.