Rejuvenation Program Obstacles

What are the obstacles to the rejuvenation program?

When the YATAN rejuvenation program starts to work you may feel amazing and a little upset at the same time. This is a little bit of a paradox.

The reason for this is that everybody has a blueprint of what their life should be like. We refer to this as the black box of life. Everything in your life is packed into this black box.

With the YATAN rejuvenation program you are empowered to go into the black box and erase the suffering from your blueprint.

When we fix the blueprint in this black box, you may start to feel a little upset. You will feel healthy and well in life, then all of a sudden you may start to get distressed.

The reason for this is that you are not following the blueprint. Even though we erased the suffering that was in your blueprint, you may try to get yourself to suffer for no reason because this is something that you feel you should be doing. Being healthy and well may feel “off” or “wrong”.

The blueprint is what we are meant to do in life. Changing the blueprint can disturb or devastate a person because they might feel like they are going the wrong way. This dilemma is an illusion. We feel distressed because we’re going out of the box. If we attempt to leave the box, the mind will work really hard to try and stop us.

Below are two examples of clients that went through these obstacles:


Sarah was 63 when she first came to see me. Her whole life she had suffered from sinus problems. At 63, her whole face appeared to be sinking.

The sinus problems created a feeling in her that nobody likes her, that people hate her. Specifically, that men were repulsed by her.

She told me that even going to the supermarket was awful. If there was a person searching for something near her, they would turn their face away from her and leave.

On trains, men would turn away from her.

She was very distressed because she was unable to attract men. This was happening for a long time.

I felt very sympathetic to her problem.

She began to take therapy to heal her sinuses. She began to look well in approximately 5 or 6 months. Each month, she improved more.

Then, one day she came into my practice and told me that she hates me. When I asked her why she hates me, she told me that now every man is “hitting on her” and that she cannot go anywhere without attracting attention.

I asked her to describe how she feels now, this is what she said:

“Before, I had lots of problems. I received hate from men and other people. Now, everyone is attracted to me. I feel like you have taken everything from me. Now, I have no stress and nowhere to stand. I now feel like I’m sinking. I’m feeling so good, but I’m distressed. I will not see you again.”


Michelle had a bad relationship with her family.

I meditated on her issues and analyzed her astrological chart. I found that she has bad past karma with her parents.

I told her that this relationship will not help her. In the past she did bad things to them, now they are doing bad things to her.

She asked me if there was medicine for this. So, I made her medicine for past karma, to help balance and improve past relationships.

For the next visit, I asked her to bring back all of the medicine bottles so that I could see how much medicine she had taken. I didn’t tell her which medicine was for the karma.

Next time she came in, we examined to medicine that she was taking. She took all of the medicine except the one for karma. She said that when she would like to take it, her mind stopped her. Whenever she would touch it, she would think about how she didn’t want to take it. Whatever she did, her mind said no. She couldn’t take the karma medicine.

Again, she tried to force herself to take the medicine. The medicine fell and was gone.

After this, I told her that I was not going to make any more karma medicine for her. She has to face her karma. Her mind didn’t allow her to erase it because her blueprint is so strong. Her mind even prevented her from touching the medicine.

The karma medicine opens the black box to reveal the blueprint. This has an impact on the magnetic field of the brain. The karma medicine dissolves your karma, preventing it from affecting you. It works the same way booting a computer does. Karma medicine reboots your blueprint.