YATAN Rejuvenation Approach

The YATAN rejuvenation approach incorporates yoga, Ayurveda, tantra, astrology and naturopathy to bring the body into balance. All five aspects must be incorporated for rejuvenation to be complete and effective. YATAN is the program behind the scenes of the rejuvenation.


Yoga is an important part of rejuvenation because it helps to restore movement in and transport to our cells.

Each cell in the body has a specific angle at which its function is optimal. If the cell has not been exposed to that angle for a long time, the movements and transport to that cell can become sluggish.

Yoga gives the body the opportunity to move at different angles, utilizing all 365 degrees. In addition to this, specific breathing techniques help to unblock and restore cellular transport. Therefore, the YATAN rejuvenation program targets specific cells and organs by knowing what angle is optimal for each cell type.

For example, if a cell operates best on a 45-degree angle, spending time in a pose that is at 90-degrees will not help that cell. We must respect the angles at which cells work best if we want to activate and assimilate all cells and organs in the body.

Detox and nutrition are not possible without bringing cell transport into balance with yoga postures. If transport to a cell is sluggish or blocked, nutrition cannot reach that cell and waste products cannot leave it.


Every individual has different planetary impacts. Sometimes our problem may be related to various planetary movements. This may be beyond our immediate control. Therefore, for successful rejuvenation we must consider our surroundings and universe.

Things to consider:

  • How we are connected to the universe.
  • What planet is dominant for you.
  • What planet is causing problems for you.

Every individual has different planetary impacts. We must assess what these impacts are and make plans to correct them.


The Ayurveda part of the YATAN rejuvenation program focuses on food, balancing your Dosha, and how to take medicine for optimal results.

We also cover how you should eat food and what food is good for your specific needs.


In the YATAN rejuvenation program we focus on health as psychosomatic balance. That is why we must consider the big and broad subject of tantra.

In the West, many people believe that tantra is only about sex. While sex is an aspect of tantra, the subject is much broader.

With tantra we attempt to restore mental and emotional balance. We use Chakra energy (psychologic energy) to take control of our emotions. We learn how to control our mind, emotion and desires. We begin to understand our inner selves.

Many mental and emotional problems can be solved with a balanced tantra.

Rejuvenation must take into account mental, emotional and physical aspects of wellbeing.


Naturopathy is our relationship with nature.

Everything is nature. Your body requires everything that you see in the outside world. For example, your bare feet need to feel grass and your lungs need fresh air.

In the YATAN rejuvenation program we work to help you develop a relationship with the natural world. In order to be healthy, you need to be in balance with everything in the natural world.

Our body has an electromagnetic net that helps to align us with the universe. Our relationship with nature promotes a healthy electromagnetic field.

This is why the YATAN rejuvenation program incorporates the entire spectrum of a person’s life. We cannot only focus on yoga, Ayurveda, tantra, astrology or naturopathy – we must incorporate all five in order to see true transformation.

What benefits can I expect after completing the YATAN rejuvenation program?

You will be able to look in the mirror and see yourself as you truly are. You will love what you see. You may even have people complement you on how nice and fresh you look.

All of your organs will be transformed. Your skin, hair and eyes will all be transformed. They will have a renewed luster. You will feel nice.

You will recognize that your life is complete and that it is a blessing. You must understand that life and the human body are continuously evolving. That means that life is never actually “complete”. However, you will know what you have to do next. You won’t feel “stuck” in life. You will have good health. Nobody can guarantee that your health will be perfect, we never know what may happen in life. However, your body will have the ability to heal itself and you will be as healthy as you can be.

How long does the YATAN rejuvenation program last and how much does it cost?

On average, the YATAN rejuvenation program takes one year to complete. You must understand that each person is unique, with unique requirements. This means that the time to complete the rejuvenation program varies from person to person.

The price of the YATAN rejuvenation program is $ 480.76 per week. There is a 17% discount if payment is made in advance.